Sunday, November 16, 2008

This past few weeks have been crazy for our family, Our sweet grandma Lorraine Duncan had a few health issues which turned our lives upside down. She had brain surgery on Oct. 3rd, and was in the ICU until the 16th, then at St. Lukes rehab until Nov. 12th. Talk about a whirlwind! She has now moved to Bellevue to be closer to my mother. We have lived next door to her for 8 years and she has been there through the births of two of my children. She will be sorely missed. But she is settling into her beautiful apartment nicely...looking forward to a simpler life and time with my mom. This picture was taken at her going away party. I will post more on a slide show for those who are interested in her final year with us. It has been wonderful. She was baptised on Aug. 25th 2007, shortly after we lost my uncle William Bruce Duncan. The gospel has brought much peace in a very troubled time to us both. She was there to see the actual birth of our son Kohlton Bruce Hubbard, as well as for many birthdays, anniversaries Chritmases and the like. I look forward to trips to Seattle and new adventures too.

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